Your Turn to Learn

Learn to Ski & Snowboard
Blue Mountain was founded in 1941 and has a long-lasting tradition of welcoming newcomers to the sport of skiing. Proud to be the premier destination for everyone who wants to explore winter sports, we have created this handy guide to help you choose how YOU want to learn. Enjoy!

How do you want to Learn to Ski or Snowboard?

Why you Should Choose Blue

Map of Blue mountain animation right Map of Blue mountain animation right

Not Sure What to Bring?

If this is your first time on the slopes, choosing the right gear can keep you warm and dry for a more enjoyable day! Take a look at what you need for a day on snow.
Ski or Snowboard Snow How left Ski or Snowboard Snow How left

Not sure what to choose: Skiing or Snowboarding?

It’s the easiest yet hardest decision you will make on your journey to get on the slopes: skiing or snowboarding? The best part is there are no wrong answers! Find out what sets these sports apart and which decision is best for you!

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