Track Your Trails, Find Your Friends, Earn Badges and More! rich-text, responsive-table
The Blue Mountain App is your official guide to your next adventure at Blue. Use our official app to discover resort offerings, plan your getaway in advance, or book attractions, activities, and more to make the most out of your trip.
rich-text, responsive-tableSee your total distance, vertical metres, and hours on-show all tracked in one shareable location.

Simply add your friends to a Group Tracking Session and view where they are on the trails in real time.
rich-text, responsive-tableTop the charts this season as you track your days.

Access personalized metrics and see your days on the mountain, trails travelled, kilometres gained, vertical metres achieved, and total number of hours on-hill.

Track your day and challenge yourself to something new to unlock all five achievement badges.
rich-text, responsive-tableFind the best stops on- and off-mountain with this handy guide. Slide through the filter by icons to view more categories.
rich-text, responsive-tableEasily navigate from one area on the Resort to another with walking directions in the palm of your hand.
rich-text, responsive-tableGet real-time updates on trail, lift, and attraction status to play your day on the go.

Mark your car's location once you arrive to easily find your spot after a long day of skiing or riding.
rich-text, responsive-tableQuickly check out current weather and ski conditions before you hit the slopes.